SIMIYU HEALTH CAMP SUMMATIVE REPORT(September 3rd 2019 – September 7th 2019)

Introduction The purpose of this document is to give a summative report on the Simiyu Health Camp organized by RASA and Friends of Dr Tulia to screen for noncommunicable diseases in Bariadi district from September 3 rd until September 7 th 2019. Non-communicable diseases in Tanzania And The Simiyu Health Camp Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) kill 38 million people each year, of which an approximate 28 million occur in low resource settings [WHO report 2015]. Most NCD deaths are due to cardiovascular diseases (17.5 million annually) [WHO report 2015]. Diabetes still causes 1.5 million deaths each year [WHO report 2015]. In Tanzania, the number of deaths due to NCDs is believed to be increasing due to urban migrations and dietary changes. The World Health Organization has described in detail how NCDs can negatively impact the working class and businesses productivity. Studies from high-income countries have shown that targeting communities and businesses for screening an...